Art Direction, Branded Content, Strategy


HEYYYYY I’m Jazmyn but you can call me Jaz :)

This picture just about sums up who I am. I am a lover of smiles, bright colors, and positivity. Pink is also pretty cute. I tend to smile even when there’s nothing to smile about and I believe bringing light into the world is one of my life long missions (among other things). If I am frowning it’s probably because I’m hungry, sleep deprived, or trying to find the philosophical meaning in literally anything or asking ‘why’ over and over. I’ve had the privilege of working on many many brands but my favorites have always been the ones that make a difference in peoples lives. I care about people and the stories they have to tell. I truly believe the purpose of creativity is to do just that. You can find me saying “Hey Guys! Welcome back to my channel” in everyday conversations, quoting a Disney movie, or hyping up a stranger with a resounding YASSSS. Thanks for dropping by!